The Constructions Description



Begin the build of the model from gluing the skeleton, which consists of pieces 1P, 1L, 1, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 1g ,1hP, 1hL, 1iP,1iL, 1j, 1k. While gluing pieces 1b, 1iP, 1iL and 1k you must grind the lower parts of the edges in angle 45 degrees.


In this part glue the inside of the drivers compartment. To properly formed piece 2, glue pieces 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e, 2f, 2g, 2h, 3P, 3L. These set of pieces glue to the skeleton with the help of 1L, 1³, 1m.

CAUTION!Do not glue the top surface of piece 2 to the plywood, untilthe inside is done. Next from the left side,glue to the fender formed pieces 4 and 4a. From this moment the inside of the drivers compartment make as according to the pieces,with the help of drawings. Glue one after another piece 3aP, piece 1P, piece 5a, floor pieces 6, 6a, 6b, 7, 7a, 7b- elements connected to electricity. Pieces 8, 8a, 8b, 8c, 8d, 8f- mechanism used for rising the breakwater. This element make as follows: bend piece 8, from pieces 8a, 8b, 8c make a cylinder, which you glue to piece 8, using a connection clip, piece 8d. From pieces 8e, 8f, 8g make the rack, which you glue to the rest. The glued elements glue together to piece 2 in the marked space. Piece 9 is the grip, from pieces 9a, 9b make a cylinder on which you glue piece 9c, the entire part glue to piece 2 in the marked space. Nextly glue together pieces 10, 11, 11a, 12, 12a, 13, 13a, 13b, 13c. Piece 14 should be glued in the marked space and on it should be glued the cylinder made from pieces 14a and 14b, and in the holes in piece 14a glue pattern 1 on which is glued piece 14c and pattern .2. From pieces 15, 15a, 15b make a cylinder in which you glue pattern3, the entire part glue to piece 4. Piece 17 and 18 glue in the marked spaces, to the holes made in piece 18 glue pattern 4. Piece 19, 19a, 19b, 19c, 19d, 19e, 19f, 19g glue as according to the drawing. Make the armchair and the basis from pieces 20, 20aP and L, 20bP and L, 20c and patterns 5, 6, 7. Make this element as according to the drawing, pay attention the the basis of the armchair for its left and right side are very different. For the right side use pattern 5P and pattern 6P, for the left side use pattern 5L, 6L, 7. The accelerator pedal- pieces 21, 21a. Make the steering column with the steering wheel from pieces 22, 22a, 22b, 23, 23a, 23b, 24, 24a, 24b, 24c, 25 and pattern 8. The inside lighting lamp make from pieces 26, 26a from which you glue a cylinder, as well as piece 26b, which you should camber and glue to piece 26a. Pieces 27, 27a, 27b, 27c and Pattern 9 glue in the following way: glue onto piece 27a  piece 27b in which you put pattern 9, next on piece 27b glue piece 27c. This glued together element, glue in the marked space. Next in the marked space glue piece 27, which should cover pieces 27a-c.Glue the data plate pieces 28, 29, 30. The drive which is used to lift the breakwater should be made from pieces 31, 31a, 31b, 31c, 31d as showed in the drawing. The equipment elements pieces 32, 33, 33a, 33b, 34, 34a, 34b, 34c, 34d, 34e patterns 10, 35, 35a make as showed in drawing. The way of gluing piece 35 to piece 34 is showed in the drawing. The instrument panel should be made from pieces 36, 36a, 36b, next glue over these pieces piece 37 and with the help of piece 37aP and L glue them to piece 2. Glue pieces 38, 38a, 38b in the specific way, the entire part glue to piece 37. The brake pedal and the coupling make from pieces 39, 39a, 39b, 39c. From pieces 40, 40a, 40b, 40cL, 40cP, 40d, 40eP, 40eL, 40fP, 40fL, 40gP, 40gL, 40h, 40i, 41, 41a, 41b, 41c, 42, 42a, 43, 43a and pattern 11 and F1- from these pieces you will have a table with the fittings,  which you nextly fix to the commanders position in the marked space. Before gluing the table you should close the drivers compartment- the top element of piece 2 glue to the plywood in the lower part. Now you get ready to make the left wall, piece 44, on which you glue piece 45, 45a, 46, pieces 47, 47a, 47b, 47c, which you glue together in this order: from pieces 47, 47a, 47b make a cylinder, on piece 47a glue piece 47c, on piece 47 glue the clamping ring, piece 47d, the entire part glue to piece 44. The right wall is made from piece 48, on which you glue pieces 49, 49a, 49b and wz.13 as well as pieces 50, 50a. The ready walls in the drivers compartment glue to piece 1oL and 1oP while gluing the rest of the skeleton. In the inside of the drivers compartment:on piece 13b glue pattern 12, on piece 8 and 31 you should tighten a thread, which will imitate a chain. From pieces 51, 51a, 51b make a handle needed to control the searchlight.

The engines compartment and the engine.

The engines compartment consists of pieces 52, 52a, 52b. First glue after the drivers compartment pieces 52 and 52a. Piece 52b should be glued after the engine has been fixed to the skeleton. The engines block glue from piece 53, next glue pieces 54, 54a over piece 54b, the entire element glue to the block in the marked space. To pieces 55 and 55a glue piece 54, to piece 55 glue pieces 56, 56a, 57, 57a, 57b- here you should take a look at the assembly drawing  in order to glue it properly Pieces 58, 58a, 58b, 58c, 58d, 58e glue as in the drawing and glue in the marked space. Set of pieces 59, 59a, 59b, 59c, 59d, 59e, 59f, 59g, 59h, 59i, 59j glue as in the drawing  and glue to piece 55,  do the same to pieces 60, 60a, 60b, 60d, 60e. To piece 60 glue pieces 61, 61a, 61b, 61c, 61d, 61e. Using the drawings glue together and then glue in the marked spaces pieces 62, 62a, 62b, 62c, 62d, 62e, 62f, 63.1, 63.1a. On the back of the engines block glue pieces 63, 63a, 63b, on piece 63 glue pieces 64, 64a, 65.1, 65.1a and glued together pieces 65, 65a, 65b, 65c and pieces 66, 66a. Pieces 67, 67a, 67b, 67c, 67d, 67e, 67f, 67g, 67h, 67i glue into one element and then glue to the engines block on its left side,next glue to it piece 68. Glue piece 69 to the frame, to piece 69 glue pattern 14, on it glue piece 69a. Glue to piece 54 already glued together pieces 70, 70a, 70b, 70c. On the top of the engine glue formed pieces 71, 71a, 71b, 72, 72a. The basis of the cylinders head cover. Pieces 73L and 73P glue to piece 53. The cylinder head covers make from pieces 74, 74a, 74b, 74c, when ready glue them to piece 73. From pieces 75L, 75aL, 75bL, 75cL 75dL, 75P, 75aP, 75bP, 75cP, 75dP. Ready elemnt glue to the engines block. Air pipes make from pieces 76L, 76P, 76aL, 76aP, 76bP, 76c, 76d, 76e, 76f, 76g, 76h, the entire piece glue to the engine. The air filter make from pieces 77, 77a, 77b, 77c, 77d, 77e, join them with piece 76 with the help of the pipes. From the bottom of the engine glue piece78 and the ready engine glue to piece 52. Now the engines compartment can be closed. To finish glue the frame 1n.

The landing operation compartment.

The build of the landing operation compartment begin from gluing walls pieces 79 to frame 1n. Next from piece 79a make the floor, which you should profile properly and glue to the skeleton, piece 79b glue to piece 79a. Glue to piece 79b pieces 79c, 79d, 79e, 79f, 79g, to piece 79 glue pieces 79h, 79i, 79j. The door to the engines compartment should be made from pieces 80L and P, 80a, the handles make from pattern 16 and the hinges from piece 80b. The door will open if piece 80b is rolled on a wire 0,4 mm. Glue the extinguisher on the door piece 180 From pieces 87, 87aP, 87aL make the basis under piece 88. Glue to piece 88 the handles, pattern 15, the entire part-with the help of piece 88a- glue to the support. From piece 89 make the box , on which you glue pieces 89a, 89b, 89c, 89d, 89e, 89f with the handles wz.15. Next from pieces 90L, 90P, 90a, 90b, 90c make the shelving. On its bottom shelf fix with the help of piece 90d piece 90e. The next shelving consists of pieces 91L, 91P, 91a, 91b, 91c. On the bottom shelf of the shelving glue piece 91e on supports piece 91d. On the middle shelf of the shelving glue piece 91g on supports 91f, on the top shelf of the shelving glue piece 91j on supports 91h. The last shelving on the right side make from pieces 92L, 92P, 92a, 92b. On its bottom shelf glue piece 92d on supports 92c. From piece 93 make a stand for pieces 93a, 93b.Glue the raedy elements in the marked space, onto the right side of the landing operation compartment. Now get ready to make the left side of the landing operation compartment. To piece 79a glue in the marked space supports, pieces 94a, 95a, 96a, 97a, next onto them glue pieces 94, 95, 96, 97. Now make the shelving. First glue pieces 98P, 98L, 98a, 98b, 98c. The entire part glue to piece 79a. The second shelving made from pieces 99L, 99P, 99a also glue to piece 79a. To piece 99P glue pieces 101, 101a, 102, 102a, 103, 103a, 104, 104a, 105, 105a, 106, 106a, 107, 107a, 108, 108a, 109, 109a, 110, 110a, 111. The roof and the sides of the landing operation compartment makes piece 112. To the properly bent piece 112 glue pieces 112a, 113, 113a, 114L, 114P, 11aL, 114aP, 114bL,114bP, 114cL, 114cP,114dL, 114dP, 114eL, 114eP, 114fL, 114fP.  From pieces 115, 115a make the support under piece 116, 116a, the entire part glue to piece 112. In the marked space glue pieces 117, 117a.. From pieces 118, 118a, 118b, 118c, 118d, 118e, 118f, 118g make the fuel filler and glue in the marked space. The fixings for the handles make from piece 119, the handles make using pattern 16.1. On the back glue frame 1p, on which you glue piece 120. The seats for personnels device in the landing operation compartment make from pieces 121, 121a, 121b and glue to the landing operation compartment as you wish. Glue piece 112 to pieces 79, 79a, 120. When the inside is finished,you can glue the rest of the skeleton, pieces 1nL and 1nP- with the glued walls of the drivers compartment 1p, 1r and 1s.


Before making the rocking lever, glue over the body shell plating which are pieces 122, 122a, 122b, 123, 123aL, 123aP, 124, 124aL, 124aP, 145, 145aL, 145aP, 145b, 145c, 145dL, 145dP, 145eL, 145eP, 145fL, 145fP, 145g, 145h. From pieces 125L, 125P, 125a make the front stringers and from pieces 126L, 126P, 126a make the back stringers. From pieces 127, 127a glue the front axle. From pieces 127b, 127c, 127d make the skeleton, next glue over it piece 127e. In the back of the axle glue together pieces 127f and 127g. Glue on piece 127g pieces 127h, 127i, 127j which you should roll as shown in wz. 17. The axles should be filled by pieces 1275 and 1271. The back axles should be made the same way as the front ones from pieces 128, 128a, 128b, 128c, 128d, 128e, 128f, 128g, 128h. Make the connecting box from piece 129 in the following order: piece 129 and 129a glue together. Onto piece 129a glue a pair of glued together pieces 129b, 129c, 129d. To piece 129 glue pieces 129e, 129f, 129g, 129h and to piece 129d glue pieces 129i, 129j, 129k and piece 129l. The entire connecting box glue onto the shaft connecting the axles, pieces 129³. Now get ready to make the rocking lever. The joinings in the elements of the rocking levers basis should be strengthened by cyjano-acryle glue.In this element there are added new letters P-means front, T-means back.  Make the basis of the rocking lever from pieces 130, 130a, 130b, 130c, over the ready basis glue pieces 130d, 130e, 130f. The bottom arm of the rocking lever glue using piece 131 and glue over it pieces 131a, 131b, 131c, 131d, 131e. To piece 131e glue piece 131f. Make the top part of the rocking lever similarly as the bottom one, using pieces 132, 132a, 132b, 132c. Glue the ready arms of the rocking lever to the basis. In the marked spaces glue the bolts ,piece 133, flies, piece 133a. Next glue pieces 134, 134a, 134b, 134c, 134d to piece 130c, after fixing the springs and the shock absorbers. Make the sock absorbers from piece 135, which you roll onto a 0,5 mm wire, and pieces 135a, 135b.Put onto the shock absorbers springs, pattern 18 and now you can glue the entire part in the proper space. Next make the spiral end of the rocking lever. Glue to piece 136 pieces 136a, 136b, 136c, 136d, 136e, 136f. Through pieces 136e, 136f –which are the arms of the rocking lever- put a 0,5 mm wire and from the bottom block it with the help of piece 136g. To the four back rocking levers glue pieces 137, 137a, 137b, 137c, 137d and the shock absorbers, piece 135 and the springs, pattern 18. The ends of the rocking lever make from pieces 138, 138a, 138b, 138c and the ready elemnt glue to pieces 131, 132 as showed in the drawing. The wheels driven shaft, which come out of the axle make from pieces 139, 139a, 139b 139c. Make the cross from pieces 139d, 139e and pattern 19 and 20. The crosses which are supposed to be in the front should be movable. Before gluing the shafts to the axles, you must glue the rocking levers to the axles and only then you can glue the shafts. Glue the shafts to the axles and the ends of the rocking levers, piece 138. Now lets move to the steerins system. On pattern 17 put pieces 140, 140a, 140b-don’t glue then together yet. Now make the sticks from pieces 140c, 140d, 140e, 140f, 140g, 140h, 140i, 140j, 140k, 140l, the entire piece join together by using 0,5 mm wire as shown in the drawing, piece 140f glue to piece 138.When all of the shafts are ready, as well as the rocking levers, put them on the axles and glue properly to the frame. Join the front axles together, fixing piece 104b to both shafts of piece 140k and 140³. The wheels with the wheel hubs make as in the drawing. From pieces 141, 141a, 141b, 141c, 141d, 141e, 141f, 141g, 141h make the wheels. From pieces 142, 142a, 142b, 142c, 142d, 142e, 142f, 142g, 142h make the wheel hubs. The ready wheel hub glue to the wheel so that it matches the spaces where the central pumps shield of the wheels pumping system is glued. Make the pumps from pieces 143, 143a, 143b. Glue the ready wheels with their wheel hubs to the rocking levers. Make the driving shaft from pieces: front:144, 144a, 144b, back: 144c, 144b, 144d. Make the crosses from pieces 144e, 144f. The ready shafts glue in the marked spaces.

The fittings on the frame.

Begin making the elements on the frame from gluing two boxes, pieces 146L and 146P and pattern 21. Next make the connecting box pieces 147, 147a, 147b, 147c, 147d, 147e, 147f, 147g and the connecting shaft, pieces 148, 148a, 148b, 148c, 148d, 148e, 148f, the entire part glue in the marked space to piece 124. The shafts glue after gluing the bolts. Glue from piece 149 a crossbar, to which you glue steps pattern 22, make the hook from pieces 149a, 149b, 149c, 149d, 149e, 149f, 149g, 149h, 149i, 149j. The hook can be made in a movable version, the entire part glue to piece 124. Next make the basis of the tower. Make the basis from pieces 150, 150a, which you should nextly glue together. Glue to piece 150a pieces 150b, 150c, 150d, 150e, 150f, 150g, 150h, 150i and pattern 23. The entire part glue to the frame in the marked space. To piece 150 glue:the sides of the view-finders-pieces 151, 151a, the upper view-finders-151b, 151c, 151d. If you make the equipment in the view-finders , you must cut out the blue fields and replace them with foil F2.  On the basis glue pieces 151e, 151f, 151g, 151h, 151i, 151j, 151k. Make the manhole from pieces 152, 152a, 152b, 152c, 152d, 152e and pattern 24. Make the hinges from pieces 152f, 152g, 152h, 152i, 152j, 152k and pattern 25. First glue the hinges to piece 152 and then glue on the marked space piece 150. The back door glue from pieces 153, 153a, 153b, 153c, 153d, 153e, 153f, 153g, 153h, 153i, 153j, 153k. In the door you can make opened flaps. Make the flaps from pieces 153l, 153³, 153m and pattern 26. The hinges needed for the flaps make from pieces 153n, 153o and pattern 27. Piece 153n glue to piece 153³, piece 153o glue to piece 153a. When the left and right doors are ready, make the hinges from pieces 153p, 153r and pattern 28. First glue the hinges to the door, then put the door in the proper place. After gluing the door , on the right ones glue piece 153s. The top manhole make from pieces 154, 154a, 154b, 154c, 154d, 154e, 154f, 154g, 154h, 154i, 154j. Make the movable flap in the manhole the same way as in the back door, from pieces 154k, 154l, 154³, 154m, 154n, pattern 26 and pattern 27. Make the hinges from pieces 154p, 154r, 154s, 154t, 154u and pattern 29. From the inside glue the handles, pattern 68. Elements needed for covering the engine. If you are making a removable cover for the engine, piece 156 must be glued to cut out ceiling from piece 1s. The manhole needed for the cover make from pieces 156a, 156b, 156c, 156d. Make hinges needed for this manhole from pieces 156e, 156f, 156g, 156h and pattern 30. Before gluing the entire part to piece 156, glue the grommet ring, piece 156i, 156j. Glue on piece 156d pieces 156k, 156l and a tank made from pieces 157, 157a, 157b, 157c, 157d. The ready manhole glue to piece 156. Now make a small round cover from pieces 158, 158a, 158b, 158c, 158d and a 0,5 mm wire. The entire part glue in the marked space to piece 156. Pieces 159, 159a, 159b, 159c glue as shown in the drawing and then glue to piece 156. On piece 156c glue tubes made from pieces 160, 160a, 160b, 160c, 160d, 160e, 160f as shown in the drawing and then glue pattern 31. From pieces 161, 161a, 161b, 161c, 161d and pieces 162 , 162a, 162b, 162c, 162d, 162e make the filters and glue them to piece 156. In order to finish working on the engines cover we need pieces 163 and pattern 32, piece 164 and pattern 33, pieces 165, 165a, 165b, 165c, 165d and pattern 34. Make the commanders manhole from pieces 167, 167a, gluing these to pieces together. From stripes sticking out of piece 167 make the hinges, glue onto it pieces 167b, 167c. Onto piece 167a glue piece 167d. Make the top part of the view-finder from pices 167e, 167f, 167g, 167h,, 167i and the bottom part from pieces 167j, 167k and pattern 23. The fixings to the hinges make using piece 167l and with the help of pattern 35 fix them to the cover. The ready part glue to the frame in the marked space. When the manholes cover is situated in its proper place, on piece 167l glue piece 167m and on piece 167 glue piece 167n. Make the drivers manhole from piece 168 as follows: piece 168 and 168a should be properly profiled and then glue them together. If you make the inside, then cut out the front windscreen and glue foil F3. Next over glued together pieces 168 and 168a glue 168b. From the inside glue piece 168c, 168d. As shown in the drawing, glue pieces 168e, 168f, 168g, 168h. From the outside, from pieces 168L and P make the view-finders to which you must glue f4 and piece 168. The windowscreens wiper make from piece 168j. Make  the shield armour from pieces 168k,168l, 168L, pattern 36 and pattern 37. The entire part glue to piece 168b. The manholes cover make from pieces 169, 169a, 169b, 169c, 169d , fix the entire part to piece 168 with the help of hinges made from pieces 169e, 169f, 169g, 169h and pattern 38. Make the searchlight from pieces 170, 170a, 170b, 170c, 170d. Make breakwaters fixing from pieces 171, 171a and pattern 39. When ready, glue to the frame. Next roll piece 171b onto pattern 40 and with the help of piece 171c and 171d glue it to the frame. Glue the breakwater from pieces 171e, 171f, 171g, 171h. Make the breakwaters handles from pieces 171i, 171j, 171k, 171l and pattern 41. Piece 171³, 171m are to join the breakwater with the frame. These element can be movable. You must strengthen this piece with an aluminum plate 0,3 mm. These elements should be properly bent and put on wires which are sticking out by the frame and breakwater. For pieces 171³ 171m not to fall off of the wires, block them with piece 171n. The breakwaters block make from pattern 42. Glue in the front of the frame an angle bar, piece 172 and piece 172a and pattern 43. The special vehicle sign make from pieces 173, 173a, 173b and the ready part glue to piece 171. Equip the saw with handles pattern 44 and with the help of pieces 174a and 174b glue to the frame. Glue the hook from pieces 175, 175a, when ready glue it to the frame. The recess for the lights make from piece 176 and glue to the front side of the frame. Glue the reflectors from pieces 176a, 176b, 176c, when ready, glue to piece 176. Make the screen lights from pieces 177, 177a, 177b and pattern 45. The front door glue from piece 179. Glue together pieces 179 and 179a. Next glue over piece 179a pieces 179b, 179c, 179d, 179e, 179f, 179g. The right door also has a view-finder and an extinguisher. Glue the view-finder from pieces 179h and F3. The view-finder should be glued on the outside in the opposite way as it is in the inside. Make the extinguisher from pieces 180, 180a, 180b, 180c, 180d. To piece 179 glue piece 179i and pattern 46. To the ready door glue the hinges made from pieces 179j, 179k and pattern 47. First glue the hinges to the door and then to the frame. The rear lights make from pieces 181, 181a and pattern 48. The direction indicators glue from pieces 182, 182a and pattern 49. The back special vehiles sign make from pieces 183, 183a, 183b. Glue the bolts from pieces 184, 184a, 184b, 184c, 184d, 184e, 184f, 184g, 184h, 184i, 184j, 184k, 184l, 184³ and wire 0,5 mm.  Next from pieces 185, 185a, 185b, 185c, 185d glue the bolts shield and glue it to the frame. From pieces 186, 186a, 186b, 186c, 186d and pattern 50 glue the rudder and put it in the marked space.  The exhaust pipes glue from pieces 187, 187a, 187b, 187c, 187d, 187e, 187f, 187g, 187h, 187i, 187j, 187k, 187l, 187m, 187n, when ready glue to the frame. The exhaust pipes shield make from pieces 188, 188a, 188b. When ready glue it to pattern 67, which join the engine with the exhaust pipes and the frame.

Cover needed for controlling air-inflow to the engine should be made from pieces 189, 189a. Next make the hinges from pieces 189b and 189c. Glue over piece 189d a small flap, which you make from piece 189d, 189e, 189f and a small wire. This flap can be made movable. From the top to piece 189 glue piece 189g and pattern 51. Glue to the frame piece 189h. Now you can glue the ready cover in the marked space and to end glue piece 189i. The fuel cates cover make from piece 190, 190a, the hinges glue from pieces 190b, 190c and pattern 52. The air-inflow, pieces 191 and 191a glue together and then gl;ue in the marked space behind the drivers door. As showed in the drawing, glue the boxes from pieces 192, 192a, 192b, 192c, 193, 193a, 193b, 193c. On the left side of the vehile in the marked space glue bonnet rug, which you glue from pieces 194, 194a, 194b, 194c. Glue as showed in the drawing pieces 195, 195a to the frame. Taps-4 pieces, make from piece 196. Pieces 197, 197a, 197b, 198, 198a, 198b, 198c, 198d, 198e, 199, 199a, 199b, 199c, 199d, 199e, 199f, 199g, 199h, 199i, 200, 200a, 200b, 200c, 200d, 200e, 200f , 200g, 200h glue together and then glue to the frame. Above the manhole glue the box, pices 201, 201a and pattern 53 on the basis made from pices 201b, 201c. The basis of the frame antenna make from pieces 203, 203a, 203b, 203c, 203d, 203e, 203f, 203g and pattern 54. When ready, glue in the marked space. The frame antenna consists of pieces 204, 204a, which you have to roll tightly and glu to pieces 204b, 204c, 204d, 204e. When ready glue to piece 203. If you want to make a telescope antenna made in a spread open version or closed version you have to glue a specific basis. Glue the basis from pieces 205, 205a, 206, 206a, 206b, 206c, 206d, 206e, 206f, 206g, 206h, 206i. This basis can be strengthened. If you choose to make an antenna in a closed position, you make it the same way as it is shown in the drawing. On both sides of the frame glue piece 202 and 202a. From pieces 207, 207a, 207b, 207c, 207d, 207e glue the fittings for the antenna and then glue them to the frame. The telescopes antenna in the closed position make from pieces 208, 208a . First glue it into piece 207 and then glue it to the basis. The antenna in the spread out position make from pieces 208, 208b, 208c, 208d, 208e, 208f, 208g. From pieces 209, 209a, pattern 55, 56, 57  glue the antennas block. The normal antennas make from pattern 58 and piece 210. The mirror glue from pieces 212, 212a and pattern 60 and fix them to the frame with the help of pieces 211, 211a and pattern 59. Glue the spades from pieces 212, 212a and pattern 60 and fix them to the frame with help of pieces 212b, 212c and pattern 61. Glue the picks from piece 213 and pattern 62 and fix them to the frame with the help of piece 213b and 213c. Make the bit from pieces 214, 214a and pattern 63, fix to the frame with the help of pieces 214b, 214c. For the end glue pattern 64-step, pattern 65-handle , pattern 66 – all of the elements glue to pieces 145, 145aL, 145aP.


We wish great fun!