Church in Por¹bka.



   - glue part to cardboard with the given thickness,    

 **  -glue to 1mm cardboard   

 * -glue to 0,5mm cardboard

 *b –glue to Bristol


The models build:

Begin the build of the model from gluing ot 1mm cardboard the basis, piece 1. To the basis glue the wall s made from pieces: left wall: from pieces 2L to 2³L, right wall: from 2P to 2³P, front wall: from pieces 3 to 3k, back wall: from piece 4. Make the door and windows on the side walls in the following way: from the inside to piece 2 glue the glued pieces 2c and 2b, and then to them glue pieces 2d and 2e. Pieces 2c marked with the symbol P1 and L1, inform you, that these windows should be glued first, when looking from the bottom! Make the remaining windows and doors in the entire model as it is written earlier from the proper pieces! Make the small windows from piece 2f and 2g and then glue to piece 2. Glue piece 2a to piece 2. The side walls are ready, so you can now make the front wall. In piece 3 cut out all of the openings and then glue into them: door- piece 3a and 3b, windows- piece 3c and 3d, 3e and 3f. Glue onto piece 3 pieces 3g, 3hL, 3hP, 3iP, 3iL, 3j and 3k. Glue all the walls together and then glue to the basis. Glue between the walls the skeleton, made from pieces 5 and 5a. The back part of the church make from piece 6, to which you then glue from the inside of the windows- piece 6a and 6b, as well as the remainig elements: piece 6c, 6d, 6e, 6f, 6g and 6h. Glue the finished part to the basis and to piece 4. To the inside of the back part of the church glue the skeleton made from piece 7 and 7a. From the top, onto the glued elements 2-7 glue glued properly and and glued already together pieces 8, 8a, 8b and 8c. Bend properly piece 9 and then glue, and the ready elements glue to the printed spaces to pieces 2aL, 2aP and piece 1. Glue to piece 9 in the proper spaces penthouses, pieces 9a and 9b. Make piece 10 as earlier and then glue to piece 2aL and 1. Glue to piece 6 properly preparated pieces 11, 11a, 11b, 12, 12a, 12b. Make from piece 13 the vestry. First bend it properly, glue the door- piece 13 and 13a as well as windows- piece 13c and 13d. Glue the finished piece to the basis and to piece 6, 2aL, 10 and 12. From the top glue the ceiling, made from pieces 13e, 13f, 13g and 13h glued together as well as elements- 13i and 13j. Glue to the vestry pieces 14 and 14a, and to piece 3 glue pieces 15, 15a and 15b. Make the front stairs from pieces 16, 16a, 16b and 16c. Make the side walls from pieces 17, 17a, 17b, 17c and 17d, and the stairs to the vestry made from pieces 18, 18a, 18b, 18c and 18d. Make the first segment of the tower from piece 19. Bend it properly, glue the windows, piece 19a and 19b, and to the outside glue also piece 19c and 19d. From the top glue the closed segments together piece 19e, 19f, 19g and 19h. Glue piece 19e to piece 19f and these two elements to piece 19g and 19h, also glued together. Make the second segment of the tower from piece 20, bend it properly, and from the inside glue the windows, piece 20a and 20b as well as elements 20c and 20d. Close the entire part from the top to pieces 20e, 20f, 20g and 20h. Make the roof from piece 21- which you properly bend, pieces 21aL and 21aP- which you glue to the main edge piece 21, as well as pieces 21b to which you glue to the back edges piece 21. To the inside of the roof put the skeleton which is glued from pieces 21c and 21d , glue the finished part to piece 8c and 19. When the roof is glued , you can glue to it elements 21e, 21f and 21g. Make the roof on the back part of the church from piece 22, which you bend properly and glue to piece 8c and 21b. Make the last segment of the big tower from pieces 24, 24a and 24b, which you properly bend and glue together. Glue the entire part to piece 20g. Glue to piece 24 elements 24c and 24d as well as the clock 24e and 24f. Make the towers roof from piece 25, which you must bend properly. When making the roof I sujest to cut of the plywood, which are situated on pieces 24a and 24b. Glue the finished roof to pieces 24a and 24b. Make the first segment of the small tower from piece 26, which you bend properly,and then to it glue already glued together pieces 26a , 26b. Make sure that the arrows on pieces 26a and 26b are situated towards the big tower. Glue the second segment from piece 26c- which you bend properly, from the top glue glued together pieces 26d and 26e. Onto piece 26c glue piece 26f and the entire part glue to piece 26b. Make the small towers roof from pieces 27 and 27a, which you properly bend and glue together, and when finished glue to piece 26e. Glue the entire tower onto the marked space on the roof, piece 21. Now make the cross. From piece 28 make the cone , to it glue piece 28a, next the cylinder, piece 28b. Glue to piece 28b a set of rollers- pieces 28c, 28d, 28e, 28f, 28g and 28h glued together as according to the drawings. Glue to piece 28h the cross-piece 28i. Glue the finished part onto the top of piece 25. Make the cross on the small tower in a similar way, from piece 29 glue the cone, glue to it glued as according to the drawing pieces 29a, 29b, 29c, 29d, 29e, 29f. To piece 29f glue the cross, piece 29g. Glue the finished part to piece 29a. glue the cross which is in front of the church from pieces 30. Piece 30 should have a proper thickness, cut out and glue to it piece 30a. Fix the cross to the basis with the help of pieces 30b and 30c, glued together and glued over by piece 30d. Finishing glue the board, piece 31 in the proper space.Begin the build of the model from gluing ot 1mm cardboard the basis, piece 1. To the basis glue the wall s made from pieces: left wall: from pieces 2L to 2³L, right wall: from 2P to 2³P, front wall: from pieces 3 to 3k, back wall: from piece 4. Make the door and windows on the side walls in the following way: from the inside to piece 2 glue the glued pieces 2c and 2b, and then to them glue pieces 2d and 2e. Pieces 2c marked with the symbol P1 and L1, inform you, that these windows should be glued first, when looking from the bottom! Make the remaining windows and doors in the entire model as it is written earlier from the proper pieces! Make the small windows from piece 2f and 2g and then glue to piece 2. Glue piece 2a to piece 2. The side walls are ready, so you can now make the front wall. In piece 3 cut out all of the openings and then glue into them: door- piece 3a and 3b, windows- piece 3c and 3d, 3e and 3f. Glue onto piece 3 pieces 3g, 3hL, 3hP, 3iP, 3iL, 3j and 3k. Glue all the walls together and then glue to the basis. Glue between the walls the skeleton, made from pieces 5 and 5a. The back part of the church make from piece 6, to which you then glue from the inside of the windows- piece 6a and 6b, as well as the remainig elements: piece 6c, 6d, 6e, 6f, 6g and 6h. Glue the finished part to the basis and to piece 4. To the inside of the back part of the church glue the skeleton made from piece 7 and 7a. From the top, onto the glued elements 2-7 glue glued properly and and glued already together pieces 8, 8a, 8b and 8c. Bend properly piece 9 and then glue, and the ready elements glue to the printed spaces to pieces 2aL, 2aP and piece 1. Glue to piece 9 in the proper spaces penthouses, pieces 9a and 9b. Make piece 10 as earlier and then glue to piece 2aL and 1. Glue to piece 6 properly preparated pieces 11, 11a, 11b, 12, 12a, 12b. Make from piece 13 the vestry. First bend it properly, glue the door- piece 13 and 13a as well as windows- piece 13c and 13d. Glue the finished piece to the basis and to piece 6, 2aL, 10 and 12. From the top glue the ceiling, made from pieces 13e, 13f, 13g and 13h glued together as well as elements- 13i and 13j. Glue to the vestry pieces 14 and 14a, and to piece 3 glue pieces 15, 15a and 15b. Make the front stairs from pieces 16, 16a, 16b and 16c. Make the side walls from pieces 17, 17a, 17b, 17c and 17d, and the stairs to the vestry made from pieces 18, 18a, 18b, 18c and 18d. Make the first segment of the tower from piece 19. Bend it properly, glue the windows, piece 19a and 19b, and to the outside glue also piece 19c and 19d. From the top glue the closed segments together piece 19e, 19f, 19g and 19h. Glue piece 19e to piece 19f and these two elements to piece 19g and 19h, also glued together. Make the second segment of the tower from piece 20, bend it properly, and from the inside glue the windows, piece 20a and 20b as well as elements 20c and 20d. Close the entire part from the top to pieces 20e, 20f, 20g and 20h. Make the roof from piece 21- which you properly bend, pieces 21aL and 21aP- which you glue to the main edge piece 21, as well as pieces 21b to which you glue to the back edges piece 21. To the inside of the roof put the skeleton which is glued from pieces 21c and 21d , glue the finished part to piece 8c and 19. When the roof is glued , you can glue to it elements 21e, 21f and 21g. Make the roof on the back part of the church from piece 22, which you bend properly and glue to piece 8c and 21b. Make the last segment of the big tower from pieces 24, 24a and 24b, which you properly bend and glue together. Glue the entire part to piece 20g. Glue to piece 24 elements 24c and 24d as well as the clock 24e and 24f. Make the towers roof from piece 25, which you must bend properly. When making the roof I sujest to cut of the plywood, which are situated on pieces 24a and 24b. Glue the finished roof to pieces 24a and 24b. Make the first segment of the small tower from piece 26, which you bend properly,and then to it glue already glued together pieces 26a , 26b. Make sure that the arrows on pieces 26a and 26b are situated towards the big tower. Glue the second segment from piece 26c- which you bend properly, from the top glue glued together pieces 26d and 26e. Onto piece 26c glue piece 26f and the entire part glue to piece 26b. Make the small towers roof from pieces 27 and 27a, which you properly bend and glue together, and when finished glue to piece 26e. Glue the entire tower onto the marked space on the roof, piece 21. Now make the cross. From piece 28 make the cone , to it glue piece 28a, next the cylinder, piece 28b. Glue to piece 28b a set of rollers- pieces 28c, 28d, 28e, 28f, 28g and 28h glued together as according to the drawings. Glue to piece 28h the cross-piece 28i. Glue the finished part onto the top of piece 25. Make the cross on the small tower in a similar way, from piece 29 glue the cone, glue to it glued as according to the drawing pieces 29a, 29b, 29c, 29d, 29e, 29f. To piece 29f glue the cross, piece 29g. Glue the finished part to piece 29a. glue the cross which is in front of the church from pieces 30. Piece 30 should have a proper thickness, cut out and glue to it piece 30a. Fix the cross to the basis with the help of pieces 30b and 30c, glued together and glued over by piece 30d. Finishing glue the board, piece 31 in the proper space.


We wish great fun when making the model.