Main cautions:

The model which is in the book isn’t very simple, fortunately modellars with not much experience can make some simplifications. While gluing, pieces should be retouched with proper colours. Paint the inside of the engines shield grey.

-Symbols needed for the model:

-* glue to 0,5 mm cardboard

-** glue to 1mm cardboard

-Roll onto a 1mm core

-Roll so that the outside diameter will have 3mm

-Grind until its sharp



Begin the buld of the model from gluing the skeleton from pieces 1-21 as according to drawing 1. If you make the inside of the fuselage then glue piece K1 onto the opposite side of piece 6, piece K2 onto the opposite side of piece 9. Onto the glued piece 2 glue piece 2a and cut out the door which join the cabin with the load compartment. Next glue piece C1 onto piece 8 as well as pieces C8, C8a, C8b. Use piece C8a if you choose to make the opened manhole ubove the cockpit, then in piece C8 cut out a square opening in the manhole and over its edges glue piece C8a. Next glue the main undercarriages gaps which are glued from pieces 22, 22a, 22b,c,d as well as the front undercarriages gap glued from piece 23, 23a,b,c. In pieces 22 a and b in the marked space drill holes what will make the fixing of the undercarriage later on much easier. Now all of the spaces between the frames can be filled with boiling or other material which will help in strengthening the entire construction.


The fuselages inside:

Glue the transport cabins equipment as according to drawing 2 from pieces K8-K16. First glue the main undercarriages manholes pieces K3-K5 as shown in drawing 1. The equipment can be made in to ways:with the benches or the tanks for chemicals. If you choose the benches then glue piece K8-K13 and glue onto its spot. If you choose the version with the tanks then glue pieces K8,K9,K12,K13 and glue into the fuselage. In the spaces of the bench glue pieces K14 and K15 (drawing 2) and into them put the tanks for chemicals made from pieces K16 as according to drawing 2b. For both of the versions glue the inside walls pieces K6-K7 to which you glue the benches back pieces K10d-K10e and K11d-K11e. Fix walls K6 and K7 to the skeleton as well as the sheathing piece 24 and 25. Get familiarized with the proper fixing of the windows openings. Make the pilots cabin from pieces C2-C8 as according to drawing 3.    


The stabilizer fin:

Begin the build of the stabilizer by gluing the skeleton from piece 45 as according to drawing 9. Next glue over it the sheathing piece 45. In case of making an immovable rudder, yellow ends should be cut- pieces 45c. Only after gluing over the skeleton pieces 24 and 25 can you glue the ready stabilizer to the skeleton in the marked space.


The fuselage (continuation):

Glue over the fuselages skeleton sheathing- elements 24-35 as according to drawing 4. Piece 28 the wings joining ought to be made from rather solid material because the wings are heavy. If you make the model with the inside, then all to all of the windows foil should be glued between the elements of the sheathing. The door can be made in an opened position. Make the steps and the water intake as according to drawing 5. Glue elements 25a and 25b to piece 25 as according to drawing 4.


Wings (drawing 6):

Begin the build of the wings from gluing the skeleton from piece 36 as according to drawing 6. The surface between the ribes in the ready skeleton similarly as in the fuselage can be filled with boiling. Or any similar material. Next glue over the skeleton piece 37. To the outside part of element 37 glue plywood, to which you next glue the ends of the wings made from piece 38. Glue piece 37a-37e. Glue the flaps from pieces 39. First glue the skeleton from pieces 39a,b,c,d and next glue over it the sheathing and then glue to the skeleton. Glue the ailerons skeleton from pieces 40a,b,c,d,e,f. Glue over the skeleton sheathing and then the ready element glue to the wing.Between elements 37d and 40c you can glue pieces of wire. The ailerons and flaps can be made as movable. Glue the ready wings to the fuselage putting them on piece 28.


The engine nacelle:

Glue the nacelles skeleton from elements 42, next glue over it sheathing (43) as according to drawing 7. Glue the ready nacelles to the wings.


The side floats:

Glue the side floats from piece 44 as according to drawing 8, next glue it to the wings as according to drawing 17.


The tail plane and the steering (drawing 9):

Glue the tail planes skeleton, over which you glue sheathing piece 46 as according to drawing 9. The rudder (47) and elevator (48) glue as according to drawing 9. First glue the skeleton and then glue over it sheathing. The rudder and the elevator can be movable, then in piece 47 cut out openings between piece 47d. Glue the ready stabilizers to the fuselage as according to drawing 17.


The undercarriage:

Glue the front undercarriage from elements 49 as according to drawing 10. First roll piece 49 tightly onto a wire with the diameter of 1mm. Roll piece 49a so tightly until the diameter is 3mm an dthe ready piece glue to piece 49. Next glue pieces 49b-49e as according to drawing 10. In pieces 49d, 49e make openings for the wheels axles. Glue piece 49f twice and glue as shown in drawing 10. Glue piece 49g together and then glue to piece 49 as according to drawing 10. Next roll piece 49i onto pattern S1 and glue from one side to piece 49h and from the other side to piece 49j as shown in drawing 10. Glue the ready part to piece 49a. Glue the entire leg into the undercarriage in the marked space. In the end make the wheels as according to drawing 10. Make the main undercarriage as according to drawing 11 from elements 50. First over piece 50a glue piece 50 to both sides. To the wider side glue pattern S4, and to the other side glue piece 50c. Next glue the undercarriages leg from piece 50g. Roll tightly piece 50g onto pattern S3. Glue to the leg piece 50h from the bottom and 50i from the top as according to drawing 11. Next glue over them piece 50j on the outside and 50k. Fix the rocker onto the axle and then glue it. Glue pieces 50l-50o and pattern S6 as according to drawing 11. The length of the wire S6 should be chosen by trying it onto the ready model. Make the top rocker from pieces 50d1-50f and S5 and fix to the leg with the help of wire S7. Glue the main undercarriages wheels from piece 51 as according to drawing 12, when ready fix it to the leg.


The engines shield and the engine:

In case of making the simple version glue the engines shield as according to drawing 13, next glue to piece 43k. Glue to piece 52a pieces 52f,g, E3-E8 and then to it the propellers (53) made as according to drawing 15. While making the full engines model (pieces E1-E12 , drawing 14) don’t glue piece 52a and in piece 52b cut out all of the grey spaces. If you wish to make the propellers movable you should install the axle from wire inside of the engine to which you should fix the propellers.


Final cautions:

Only couple of elements are left for gluing. Piece 54- front door can be glued open with the help of hinges 54b.The back door (55) can be made open, yet they open to the inside, and the hinges are fixed in the back edges of the opening. Glue piece 56 (antenna) to the fuselage: 56 to piece 27, 56a to piece 34; and to the wings pieces 56b. Between pieces 56a and 56b you can put the antenna. Glue piece 57 to piece 24, and piece 57a glue to piece 33 as according to drawing 4 and 17. You can make the edges of the ailerons and steering in you own free time as according to drawing 16. The model ought to be varnished with half matt varnish in order to secure it from dust.


We wish a lot of fun while gluing the model!!!